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windows :: cresterea vitezei de login pe windows 7, windows 8, 8.1

Catalin T.
TitleCresterea vitezei de login pe Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1
TagsWindows, login, logon, Samba roaming profiles, login, windows login
Desc.Logon rapid Windows 7, 8, 8.1, profil roaming
CodeKBWIN0004 v1.0
Date 9 septembrie 2014

Acest articol se adreseaza in special statiilor de lucru Windows logate la domain controlere, cu utilizarea profilului de utilizator in mod roaming, dar setarile de mai jos au dovedit o crestere de viteza la logare si pe statii de lucru cu profil de utilizator local.


Castigul de viteza in cazul utilizarii profilelor Windows roaming este semnificativ: 10-30 sec vs 2-3 min !


Se vor efectua urmatorii pasi de configurare:


1. Pornire manager "Group Policies": Start > Run > gpedit.msc


start gpedit.msc, pornire group policies


2. Navigare catre Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > User Profiles


Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > User Profiles



3. Configurari:

 - activare (setare pe "enabled") sectiune Disable the detection of slow network connections (Win 8+), Do not detect slow network connections (Win 7);


Aceasta configurare va aduce un castig de 15 secunde, deoarece Windows-ul foloseste pachete de tip ICMP (ping) pentru determinarea vitezei de conexiune intre client si serverul de tip AD (Samba); In general nu va primi nici un raspuns datorita politicilor de firewall.


- activare (setare pe "enabled") sectiune Set max wait time for the network if the user has a roaming user profile or remote home directory si configurare a unei valori de 0 (zero) la optiunea Wait for network for maximum(seconds)


Castig: 30 secunde


Disable the detection of slow network connections (Win 8+), Do not detect slow network connections (Win 7) Set max wait time for the network if the user has a roaming user profile or remote home directory


Set max wait time for the network if the user has a roaming user profile or remote home directory


4. Navigare catre Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Logon

- activare (setare pe "enabled") sectiune Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon


gpedit.msc - Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon