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pentru tonti :: unifi controller password reset

David G.
TitleUniFi controller password reset
TagsUniFi,Password reset
Desc.UniFi controller password reset
CodeKBCR0008 v1.0
Date 4 septembrie 2018

SSH to a UniFi controller, one that you still know the password.


cd /public/UniFi/mongo/bin

./mongo --port 27117

MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5
connecting to:
> use ace
switched to db ace
> db.admin.find()


You''ll get something like this:


{ "_id" : ObjectId("5768dc4cb97a564219ff9256"), "name" : "Administrator", "email" : "", "x_shadow" : "$6$j_a_lot_of_characters", "time_created" : NumberLong(1466489932), "last_site_name" : "default", "requires_new_password" : false }


Copy the $6$j_a_lot_of_characters above


Now, SSH to the UniFi that you don''t remember the password:

cd /public/UniFi/mongo/bin

./mongo --port 27117

MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5
connecting to:
> use ace
switched to db ace
> db.admin.find()


Note the "name" of your admin user and input:


db.admin.update( { name: "name_of_admin" }, {$set: { x_shadow: "$6$j_a_lot_of_characters" } } )


Now, it has the same password as the one you already know. Change it on first login